

We, the members of M2C3, dedicate ourselves to the better understanding of mathematics and its relation to life as well as encouraging independent study for all Mesa Community College Students. M2C3 will provide activities, opportunities, community and continuity for students interested in mathematics. It shall be the primary goal of M2C3 to achieve academic excellence for students as well as its own members. M2C3 will provide an opportunity to represent Mesa Community College at events concerning Math. Committed to academic excellence, M2C3 will continue to strive for achievement for all in mathematics.


This organization shall be known as the Mathematics Club at Mesa Community College referred to as M2C3.


The purposes of this organization shall be, but are not limited to, the following:

Section 1: Promoting mathematics at Mesa Community College.

Section 2: Challenging students with mathematics problems and puzzles.

Section 3: Presenting students with mathematics topics not included in typical math courses.

Section 4: Inviting guests to speak to the club on mathematics topics and career options in math.

Section 5: Preparing for math competitions.

Section 6: Organizing off-campus trips for two purposes, attending mathematics events and exposing students to mathematics in the field.

Section 7: Acknowledging student achievement in his/her mathematics courses taken at MCC.


Although all MCC students are welcome to attend M2C3 meetings, only members vote and hold office. There shall be two types of membership:

*Section 1: Regular Member

Any student enrolled at MCC may be a Regular Member of the club after attending 4 meetings in a semester and attend one meeting/event that is not a regular meeting. To maintain regular member status, members must attend one meeting a month during the academic year. Regular Members receive a copy of the constitution and must attest to having read it. Regular Members may vote, be elected to office, and fully participate in any club activities.

*Section 2: Member with Honors: 

Any Regular Member may request to be considered a Member with Honors. To be considered, the member must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 in their college math courses and a letter of recommendation from one of the member’s current or previous college math instructors. The request for Member with Honors status can be made at any time during the semester, but is awarded at the end of that semester. The procedure for evaluating this request is described in Article VI. Members with Honors shall be acknowledged with a certificate signed by the club officers and faculty advisor. No other special considerations with be given to Members with Honors.


*Section 1: The elected officers of M2C3 shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Senator.

*Section 2: Elections shall be held every spring semester. Officers may only be elected to each office one time unless they are running unopposed. The elections may  be held at any time during the semester; however, the newly elected officers will assume their offices at the end of the spring semester. All officers serve for a term of one year. 

*Section 3: Candidates for the Presidency must have previously been Vice-President, Secretary, or Senator. If no such candidates wish to run for the Presidency then any member may run for the office. If only one former Vice-President, Secretary, or Senator wishes to run then he/she is automatically the President. Any tie vote will be decided by a game of chance to be chosen by faculty advisor.

*Section 4: Any member may be a candidate for Vice-President, Secretary, or Senator except as described in Section 2. However a former officer may run for a lower office if no other candidate is available.

*Section 5: Elections shall involve three steps. First, all members must be given the opportunity to declare their candidacy for a particular office. Second, candidates must present a short speech to the club. Finally, an election will be held where the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Senator will be elected in that order. Any losing candidate may request that they be considered for the next office. Any tie vote will be decided by a game of chance chosen by the faculty advisor.

*Section 6: Only members may run for office and vote in elections. The faculty advisor may not vote in any election.

*Section 7: Club officers may be impeached by a majority vote of the members. In the case of a tie, the officer retains the position. Only the faculty advisor may call for an impeachment vote. This must only be in response to the failure of the officer to fulfill the duties outlined in this constitution. The officer in question will be given at least one week’s notice by mail to prepare for the impeachment vote.

*Section 8: If an officer resigns or is impeached then any of the remaining officers may choose to assume that position where choice is given by the order in which officers are elected. They do not have to take the position. The open position remaining will be filled with a special election following the guidelines in Section 3.

*Section 9: Officers must have their current address, phone number, and email address on file with the faculty advisor.

*Section 10: Officers are expected to adhere to high ethical and moral standards while performing their duties. Any officer who violates Mesa Community College’s Student Code of Conduct can be immediately removed from office. A violation of college or student life policies is also ground for removal. These types of violations can endanger both the club’s and advisor’s standing on campus. The advisor has sole discretion in determining if the violation warrants the removal of the office unless overruled by a unanimous veto of all the present voting members of the club. The vote for the veto must be announced one week in advance.


*Section 1: The President Shall

1. Attend all club functions.

2. Preside over all club meetings.

3. Represent the club in situations where the club needs to be officially represented.

4. Suggest and plan club activities that will fulfill the purposes of the club.

5. Meet with the officers and Faculty Advisor outside of the regularly scheduled club meetings.

6. Make sure all officers perform their duties and assist if needed.

7. Lead all election proceedings except in the case of impeachment, Article IV, Section 7.

8. Be responsible for carrying out any task that may be assigned by the Faculty Advisor or club membership.

9. Be responsible for organizing the regular meetings. More specifically deciding on the time and location of the meetings after consulting with the membership.

*Section 2: The Vice-President Shall

1. Attend all club functions.

2. At the request of the President, represent the club at regular meetings of ASMCC (Associated Students of Mesa Community College) and any other situations where the club needs to be officially represented. (ASMCC is the campus student government, which holds regular senate meetings).

3. Suggest and plan club activities that will fulfill the purposes of the club.

4. Meet with the officers and Faculty Advisor outside of the regularly scheduled meetings.

5. Be responsible for carrying out any task that may be assigned by the President and assist the secretary when necessary.

6. Post all notices of meetings.

7. Be responsible for monitoring the club’s financial situation and reporting its status to the club on a regular basis.

*Section 3: The Secretary Shall

1. Attend all club functions.

2. Create and maintain a list of current and previous member information. An up to date list should be made available to any of the officers or Faculty Advisors.

3. Keep records of attendance at club meetings and activities.

4. Take minutes of all meetings.

5. Be responsible for carrying out any task that may be assigned by the President.

6. Help other officers perform their duty when necessary.

*Section 4: The Senator Shall

1. Attend all club functions.

2. Represent the club at regular meetings of ASMCC (Associated Students of Mesa Community College) and any other situations where the club needs to be officially represented. (ASMCC is the campus student government, which holds regular senate meetings).

3. Create and lobby the bills for the club.

4. Give a senate report after each meeting of the student senate.

5. Meet with the officers and faculty advisor outside of the regularly scheduled club meetings.

6. Help other officers perform their duties when necessary.

7. Suggest and plan club activities that will fulfill the purposes of the club.

8. The senator may also hold one of the other officer positions.


*Section 1

To request being considered a Member with Honors, you must be a Regular Member that has a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 in your college level math courses. Additionally, you must have a letter of recommendation from one of your current or previous college math instructors. Applicants for Member with Honors status must have also participated in at least one ASMCC event. Regular Members applying for Member with Honors must also apply at the same time for a student membership in the Mathematical Association of America. The MCC math club is a student chapter of the MAA. A Regular Member can make this request at any time, but is awarded the Member with Honors status at the end of the semester. A Regular Member shall not require a vote, and any Regular Member meeting the requirements in this section will receive a Member with Honors status.

*Section 2

A Member with Honors maintains this status by keeping a minimum GPA of 3.25 in their college level math courses. If this status is lost, the member can request to be a Member with Honors again as soon as he or she meets the GPA requirement. A letter of recommendation is not required.


*Section 1: Regular meetings shall be held at least once every other week during the fall and spring semesters. The club is required to have one community service event every semester. Optional meetings may be scheduled during the summer if there is interest. 

Section 2: Any member wishing to be placed on the meeting’s agenda must first speak with the President for approval.

Section 3: The club members may schedule any activity relevant to the Purposes of the club. Activities requiring club money must be approved by a majority vote of the members present. However any vote of this nature must be announced at least one week in advance to allow all interested members to be present.

Section 4: The President may call for additional meetings if it is necessary to accomplish club objectives.


The Faculty Advisor(s)’s role is to provide guidance to the club. A faculty advisor must attend all club meetings and activities. Additionally since this is a math club, the Faculty Advisor(s) should act as mathematics resource for the club.


This constitution may be amended every spring semester before the new elections are held. The amendments shall take effect in the following fall semester. The affirmative vote must be at least 75% of the members present to be ratified. At least one weeks notice must be given to allow all interested members to be present.

Amendment 1: Article III, Section 1 prior to the amendment did not require Regular Members to attend one meeting a month during the academic year to remain Regular Member status. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 2: Article III, Section 2 prior to the amendment stated that the request for Member with Honors status must be made at the end of any semester when new grades are available. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 3: Article IV, Section 2 prior to the amendment stated any member who has previously held an office may not run for an equal or lower office. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 4: Article IV, Section 3 prior to the amendment did not state that any tie vote will be decided by a game of chance to be chosen by the faculty advisor. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 5: Article V prior to the amendment did not clarify that ASMCC is the Associated Students of Mesa Community College, nor did it clarify that this is the campus student government, which holds regular senate meetings. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 6: Article V, Section 3 prior to the amendment did not have an additional item that is identical to Article V, Section 2, Item 2. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 7: Article VI, Section 1 prior to the amendment stated that the minimum cumulative GPA must be in your math classes taken at MCC. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 8: Article VI prior to the amendment contained a different Section 2 that stated the officers of the club shall vote on whether or not to grant the request. They must base their decision on the letter of recommendation, participation in the club activities, and GPA. The member may appeal the decision to the whole club. In this case the member may not vote. The Faculty Advisor will preside over this vote. Prior to this amendment there was also a different section 3 that was in Article VI which stated: “in the event the member requesting this status is one of the officers then this officer’s application will be presented to the entire membership. The entire membership will decide by a simply majority vote on whether to grant the request. In this case the officer in question may not vote. One week’s notice will be given so that members who wish to vote can be there”. The current Section 2 was previously Section 4 of article VI. (Spring2005)

Amendment 9: Article VI, Section 4 prior to the amendment required a cumulative GPA of 3.50 to maintain Member with Honors status. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 10: Article VII, Section 1 prior to the amendment stated regular meetings will be held at least every week. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 11: Due to this amendment, amendments to the constitution will be placed at the end of the document and an asterisk will be placed in the text that indicates there has been a change. (Spring 2005)

Amendment 12: Article IV, Section 1 prior to the amendment did not have a senator position as the fourth officer. Sections 3 and 4 did not previously include the Senator either prior to this amendment. Article V did also not previously include Section 4. (Spring 2006)

Amendment 13: Prior to this amendment Members with Honors were not required to apply at the same time for student membership in the Mathematical Association of America. Nor were Members with Honors applicants required to have participated in at least one ASMCC event. (Spring 2007)

Amendment 14: Prior to this amendment notice of impeachment by mail one week prior to the impeachment vote was not required. (Spring 2007)

Amendment 15: Article IV, Section 8 prior to this amendment was read as “...officer resigns then any...” . (Spring 2007)

Amendment 16: Prior to this amendment officers were not required to have their current address, phone number, and email address on file with the faculty advisor. (Spring 2007)

Amendment 17: Due to this amendment the body of the constitution shall be rewritten to include all the changes described by the amendments. The text of the amendments will contain the original language of the constitution in order to preserve the history of the constitution. (Spring 2007)

Amendment 18: Article III Section 1 prior to this amendment was read as “Any student enrolled at MCC may be a Regular Member of the club after attending 4 meetings.” (Spring 2008)

Amendment 19: Article VII Section 1 prior to this amendment did not require the club to have a community service event every semester. (Spring 2008)

Amendment 20: Article III Section 1 prior to this amendment stated “or 8 meetings in a semester.” (Spring 2009)

Amendment 21: Article IV Section 10 was added to the constitution. (Spring 2011)

Amendment 22: Article III Section 1 prior to this amendment required “4 consecutive meetings, or 6 meetings in a semester”. (Spring 2017)

MCC Math Club Constitution.pdf